Episode 15
Interview with Aaron Briley
Published on: 18th March, 2021
For this episode of The Secular Foxhole, we had the chance to interview Aaron Briley, a fellow and research associate with The Objective Standard Institute. We covered many topics, including his living in Denmark, his college major, and his interest in spreading Ayn Rand's ideas in the inner-city.
Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:
- Bruce Lee
- Brazilian jiu-jitsu
- Jiu-jitsu according to Kurt Durewall
- Culture and Causation podcast
- The Secular Foxhole podcast app - Google Play
- The Secular Foxhole podcast app - Apple App Store
- The Law of Jante
- Tall poppy syndrome
- Atlas Shrugged
- The Fountainhead
- Aristotle
- The Normative Justifications of Regret
- Jonathan Haidt
- Weakness of Will
- Objective Standard Institute
- Aaron Briley's articles - The Objective Standard
- The Prometheus Foundation
- Walter Williams on Black Families and BLM
- Uncle Tom (film)
- Richard Sander on Affirmative Action and Neighborhood Integration
- Black Culture Matters: Briley Interview with Nick Pilgrim
- Alex Epstein
- Ford Hall Forum
- Introduction to Broadcasting on Happs
- Aaron Briley on Twitter