Author: Kevin Osborne
Writer/artist Kevin Osborne lives in Farmington CT and is a graduate in Philosophy from the City University of New York. Prior to The Prometheus Connection and The Prometheus Frontier, he wrote, illustrated, and published the short fable, Mutekikon, available on DVD. See www.mutekikon.com
Editor: Alex Bleier
Alex Bleier, editor of The Prometheus Connection and The Prometheus Frontier, works out of Colorado Springs in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. With degrees in Math, Philosophy, and Technical Communication, his extensive work in computer consulting has spanned the gamut from Fortune 500 companies to Silicon Valley startups. He currently concentrates on Internet systems development, search engine optimization and Internet marketing. alexbleiertech@gmail.com
Audio Production: Mike Spooner
Mike Spooner, web designer and freelance audio engineer, produced the audio for The Prometheus Connection audio book. His BA from the University of Hartford is in Interactive Information Technology with a specialization in Sound Technology.
Copyright Kevin Osborne. All Rights Reserved.